Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How Liamolly With the Help of Kickstarter.com Was Able to Get it #MadeinAmerica

On Kickstarter.com, all kinds of people asking for financing on all kinds of projects, from film projects to food producers, artists, and inventors. And all increments of donations. All kinds of projects across the USA. This particular story got my attention, Seema Sudan of Liamolly, had been producing sweaters in Asia and their demands went from 300 sweaters to 2,000 sweaters PER style. It put them out of business.

They put the word out on Kickstarter.com about needing financing to put a down payment on a knitting machine. They hit the mark and now she's in training to operate the system and they hope to be up & running by June. Getting all her sweaters #AmericanMade #MadeintheUSA. She's sending those who donated a small token of thanks of one of her handmade designs.

Here's more on Liamolly and her journey on Kickstarter.com:


This program at Kickstarter.com would be good to seek out others who want their product made here in America an not have to go overseas. It's a way to help dollar by dollar to get their products #MadeinAmerica. Bypass the government, start small, slow and just do it on our own. Help support people with great ideas and initiative to make their product here in the USA....which is what the American spirit is all about. Starting an #AmericanMadeRevolution.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Manufacturing Job Program Helps Austin's Art District

Here's a fine example of vocational education helping people grow their community.

Manufacturing Job Program Helps Develop Austin's Art District

“These are high-demand jobs and high skilled kind of work,” said Amara Enyia, executive director of ACT. “This is part of a national effort to close the skills gap and link education to the economy.”

It's a short 44 week manufacturing credential program at http://austinpolytech.org

What a great idea! I love it and I hope more initiatives like this gets promoted in more cities across America. Austin already has a vibrant music scene, how cool will it be when they develop the arts district? This is just what we need. Artists and craft people start small businesses, stay in the community and help revitalize blighted areas. It's about time someone has taken notice and helped budding entrepreneurs establish themselves, tying education to the local economy. Imagine if they did this in every city?

Way to go Austin!